Cum Petro et Sub Petro

With Peter & Under Peter

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The Feast of Epiphany also known as the Feast of the Theophany. This was traditionally celebrated on January 6th. In the dioceses of the United States this feast has been moved to the Sunday between January 2 and January 8. In the Ikon we see the 3 magi who have found Jesus and their gifts reveal truths about Him.What does this mean for us? We ask;have we discovered Jesus and what the truths about Him mean to each of us? Do we come with gratitude? If we didn't focus on the true meaning of Christmas on the 25th we now have a moment to reflect.We have gone through the joy as Mary and Joseph went through the joy of His birth.Now we can reflect on what that means to each of us.Perhaps it is time for silence?
To bow and to listen.
What will be revealed? What are the gifts we're going to bring to Jesus? What will they reveal? God cannot be outdone in generosity.There isn't a gift to compare to His giving us Jesus but we can rise to the occasion by giving the gift of love.Let us thank Mary too for her fiat.What do we learn from her example?

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