Cum Petro et Sub Petro

With Peter & Under Peter

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The week a few hours

I'm not staying up tonight but I am going to spend more time blogging here this week. Tired. Posted a long blog entry at Word Press. Wrote to brother. He just got home today. Relieved.Good to know he had a safe,pleasant trip. Worked on forum,twitter and of course the other blog.Read a few articles today. Monday i have a ton of phone calls to make.Hate it but it has to be done.Mom would say about this time,"Offer it up." Filled out a mortgage application today and emailed the mortgage manager our realtor recommended to us.That was 'fun'. I am not going to get too hopeful. It hasn't gone well so far. However,if he recommended her maybe he has a good idea we might get approved. (Not holding my breathe though). We'll see.I'll accept but have decided it's the LAST try for now.We may have to let it go.
The best i can do tonight is a thought for the night from my favorite Saint,Augustine.

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