Cum Petro et Sub Petro

With Peter & Under Peter

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our Country Is In Turmoil

I am not referring only to the shut down.It's one of many problems. I am referring to the collapse of a civil and Christian society. Our schools,courts,culture have been taken over by Progressives. It has been going on for years. It didn't just happen yesterday. We grew used to abortion. It became part of our lives. We grew used to our Christian faith being undermined and ridiculed-excluded from the public square. Some Catholics have lapsed and are willing to accept all the intrinsic evils without batting an eye lash. Jesus said evil would not triumph over His Church. He did not say the Church in the United States.

Too many people stayed home because they refused to vote for Gov Mitt Romney. He is a decent man. He was definitely a better choice than Obama. He would have had 1 term to answer for. Yet,people chose to stay home. I do not want to hear one word of complaint from people who did not care enough to vote.

While our country goes down this route we do have hope. Pray the Rosary. Answer the call to the New Evangelization. Stand up in the battle. Do not be afraid to speak out. Remember,while we love our country and want it to find its way we are first and foremost Catholics seeking the Kingdom of God.

We may be discouraged.I wonder myself how Barack Obama could get elected. He's no respecter of Christians and he's definitely no respecter of the Catholic Church.The HHS mandate is proof enough.Then i realize nothing happens that God does not permit and there must be a reason God allowed Obama to get elected.God can bring a greater good out of a terrible evil.God does not interfere with man's free will.Obama is not the whole problem though. It's that our country changed so much that he COULD get elected. We have many problems today.Not the least of which is a lack of respect for human life & immorality.

It is a shame that 50% of Catholics voted Obama knowing that he was pro abortion,pro same sex marriage and anti Catholic. It's a shame all the lapsed Catholics who are working in the Obama administration knowing his agenda.These Catholics cause grave scandal and obstinately persist in evil openly disobeying Church teaching.

Now is the time to turn to Our Lady.October 13 marks the 96th anniversary of the final appearance of Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima, Portugal. Oct 7th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Our lady warned us at Fatima in 1917.

Pray! Pray a great deal and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to Hell for not having someone to pray and make sacrifices for them. They must amend their lives, ask forgiveness for their sins. Offend not Our Lord any more, for He is already much offended.

She spoke of immodest dress and sins of the flesh.I do not see how abortion and other intrinsic evils can go unanswered.

Our Lady can no longer uphold the arm of her Divine Son which will strike the world. If people amend their lives, Our Lord will even now save the world, but if they do not, punishment will come.

This week I will post more re Our Lady of Fatima as well as Our Lady of Akita(similar messages).Mary Immaculate is the patroness of the United States.She was officially declared our patroness in 1847. We need to turn to Our Lady in these times of turmoil for our country especially with the attacks on Christianity.

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