Cum Petro et Sub Petro

With Peter & Under Peter

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Offer It Up

My husband went to an out of town dr appointment with his aide tonight.The appointment was at 5:00.They had to leave early to allow enough time to get there. He is going to have tests and as soon as they're done the Dr is going to see him.He has DVT and chronic pain in his legs.We heard about a new treatment-a chemical injection-and the good things it's done for other people. Our hope is that when the test results come back he can have the treatment.I also planned on fixing Baked Penne for them to have when they get back.Imagine she'll be starved.A little upset.Forgot one of the main ingredients,cream cheese.I should have checked and made sure i had everything needed.Nothing to substitute either.I also told them if i felt well enough then i could fix it.I think i can manage. Meantime,the opening ceremony with Pope Francis at WYD 2013 is taking place now.I've been watching live on EWTN.I have enough time to watch this and prepare the meal both. Some of the real flavor of the BakedPenne will be lost-the cream cheese is what does it. I am going to write a blog after the Pope's Mass and the dinner is out of the oven called "Offer It Up." I've had it on my mind all day long.This was one of our mother's favorite sayings.If you heard it once you heard it a 1k times. As you get older you begin to get the meaning of those 3 simple words. For now will share an image i found that all of us(me included)can consider and think about while Pope Francis is offering himself up in service to the Church;especially young people.

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