Cum Petro et Sub Petro

With Peter & Under Peter

Sunday, March 23, 2008

This Huckabee Site Is Gonna Stay!

Sign the petition,write to John McCain,put a banner on your website or blog.AND PLS spread the word!!!
This is a grassroots campaign to let the GOP know that we as a people have a voice and will use it to declare our values, our rights and our freedom to elect government officials who represent them. In the primaries, only one candidate stood for the values and principals that this country was founded upon, Mike Huckabee.

By taking action with one or more of the choices to the left, you can help inform the Republican party that Mike Huckabee is our choice for John McCain’s running mate for the 2008 Presidential Election.

Thanks for your support and for taking action!


Mike Huckabee for VP - Take Action at

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